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* Han, X., Cheng, N., Fu, L., Ma, Y.: Observer-based finite-time H∞ control of the T-S fuzzy system with time-varying delay and output constraints, Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 37, no. 9, pp. 1-22, 2018. ISSN: 0101-8205.

* Bouaziz, F., Awedni, O., Krichen, L.: Modelling and fault diagnosis of rotor inter turn short circuit fault in a doubly fed induction generator-based wind turbine, In: Proc. 20th Int. Conf. Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering STA 2020, Monastir, Tunisia, pp. 189-194, 2020. ISBN: 978-1-7281-8815-7.

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Cited in:

* Ontiveros-Robles, E., Melin, P., Castillo, O.: Designing hybrid classifiers based on general type-2 fuzzy logic and support vector machines. Soft Computing, vol. 24, pp. 18009–18019, 2020. ISSN: 1432-7643.

* Melin, P., Ontiveros-Robles, E., Castillo, O.: New Medical Diagnosis Models Based on Generalized Type-2 Fuzzy Logic, Springer, Cham, 2021. ISBN: 978-3-030-75096-1.